
Trusting Our Debt Solution Reviews and Our Credibility

We created this site to deliver debt consolidation reviews that present the facts in a clear way whilst being as impartial as possible. We’re proud of our approach, as it delivers a balanced view that you know can be trusted. Our writers start with several aims in mind. There are set motivations that influence their writing coupled with completing research that brings to light the pros and cons of companies offering service. The writing team aims to paint an accurate picture that gives insight to both customers and prospective clients. The information we include is designed to help you make an enlightened decision.  More than just reviews, we look at debt consolidation from every angle with thorough research. Not only will we feature products, but we want you to know what to look out for so that you can save time and money and get the product that is right for you.

How it All Works

If it is related to debt consolidations or other debt solutions, we’ll write about it. Our writers keep track of the latest activity and new facts about debt. We aim to comprehensively cover the types of products on offer in our reviews. Our writers also aim to inform you with tips, how-to guides, and tutorials.  We pay attention to the questions people are asking. If there is a topic that isn’t easy to understand, we set out to write an article that breaks it down, explains it, and tackles any confusion. You can browse the topics on our site, and if there is something missing we’d be happy to hear from you with suggestions. We’ll put them to our writers so they can cover it. Content that is engaging and serves a purpose is our aim. We don’t just create content and leave it there. We check the view counts for our articles, so we can see if it is popular and whether we have done a good job. This helps us to refine what we write and how we write it.

What Is an Affiliate Link?

When we review a debt consolidation product or website, we want you to have the necessary information. This involves presenting positive information while keeping a critical eye on what the service the customer receives. The pros of a product balanced by the cons will form the main part of a review. We aim to help you distinguish the different debt consolidation products available. It is a competitive market, and not every product is suitable for every purpose. The aim of our site is to show you the different debt consolidations and finance options on offer. We provide details in our reviews and we include links to the products, so you can see the websites for yourself. These links to different websites are known as affiliate links. If a link is clicked, the website that it leads to keeps track of that referral. We receive a commission if a booking or a sale is made, making these links mutually beneficial. We link to the products so you have the opportunity to check them out. Our writers remain impartial providing their trusted opinions on the product and giving you access to the website at the same time. The commission is used to fund this site paying for writers and anyone else who takes part in the debt consolidation review process.

Following the Guidelines

The Federal Trade Commission issues guidelines on affiliation and links. In 2009, they released the initial guidelines and continue to update them. We monitor the latest version of the guidelines to adapt our approach and writing practices. We follow the regulations to ensure best practice among all our writers. This means only writing articles and reviews with honest opinions. We never use terms to encourage you to click on a link that isn’t true. The guidelines were written to protect you as the customer and reader. We’re happy to say that they fit in with our aims to deliver information that helps you to make an unbiased decision about debt consolidation, financing, and DR options.

Compensation Disclosure

This page and in particular this section on compensation disclosure has been written to protect your interests. Bringing to your attention the relationships between the reviewer of services or products and the owner of that product is part of our transparency policy.  We want to make the decision process easier for you, but we always recommend carrying out enough research so that you are happy with your purchase decision.

There is a legal requirement for the owner of this website to disclose the relationship between the two parties. Material Connection The majority of service or product mentions on this website occur because a relationship between both parties is already in existence. The reviews come from writers who have researched or tested the product or service themselves. It should be understood that any recommendations from this website for a service or product have been made in good faith. It should be assumed that there is an affiliation between the two parties if the website makes a recommendation for using a product.

Product/Service Partiality And Fairness

When we produce a review or an article, we do not want to present bias. The result of our reviews should be informed and honest opinions and we know that is best achieved with impartiality. While products are approached from a critical standpoint, efforts will be made to achieve a point of view that is positive because of the existing material affiliation between the website and the product owner. We want to make clear that the benefits are mutual and the product is being presented for consideration. Regardless of any agreement being signed, a material connection between the review site and the product site exists and there is a commission involved. If this presents a personal issue, we recommend considering what is best for you. For instance, completing your own research first hand to form your own ideas. Compensation for Reviews As the owner of the website is playing their part in this process, they may be receiving compensation. This could be in the form of services, products or money. If you proceed to purchase a service or product using a link based on the recommendation of this website owner, you should understand and see the situation clearly. If you click on an affiliate link and then purchase a product, the website owner may receive compensation.

Compensation Disclosure Statement

This statement has been made in order to help you fully and clearly understand the situation of our operation. There is no attempt to deceive. We write impartial reviews that are as fair as they can be. One factor that affects the reviews and how positive they are, is the material connection between the review website owner and the product website owner.  Having to take this into consideration results in reviews that we would not claim to be based on a 100% unbiased opinion. We encourage you to contact us with any questions regarding this matter. We maintain a strong privacy policy that applies to our website users, reviewers, and product owners.